hangat-hangat tahi ayam

i do admire my friend, Onn. she's very determined to lose the excess weight and is doing a great job at doing so. some people *coughsmecoughs* would always complain about wanting to lose weight but I they don't really do anything about it. or they'll go on a diet or start to exercise only to abandon it halfway.

in the past 4 years i had gain and lost and gained back 8kg. it took me forever to lose 4kg. lost another 4kg after a very painful break up. gained back 4kg as soon as i had lost it. owh, and succesfully 'obtained' 4kg after i started work.

people say it is normal to gain weight once you've joined the working force. but memang siau lah weyh. HOW TO CURB MY ADDICTION TOWARDS FOOD?? how lah how? you tell me faster can?

-_-" even the word food makes me hungry. ahhh, foood. nomnomnom. feel like making muffins again this week memang nak kena penampar perempuan ni. baru merungut gemuk ada hati lagi nak pergi buat muffin

ps: why is mccafe not available in malaysia?

pps: the belly rules the mind is a spanish proverb. i think the person that came up with that proverb had me in mind. wth


lye^^dia said...

erma, FOOD! :P

erma said...

cisdale sungguh! oooh. cheesedale. sedapnya. erk. anyhoo, nasib baik jauh seberang laut, kalau tak aku dah aboooget dengan pantas dan tangkas