kimi ni todoke which literally means reaching you. the movie revolves around a high school student named sawako kuronuma. her school mates calls her sadako because her hairstyle and the way she stares people resembles the ghost in the horror movie the ring.
she's actually a very nice person. she helps to clean the school. she even sorts out the trash that people throw in the recycle bin. but because of a rumour, most people don't even dare to look at her. 'those that looks into her eyes for more than 3 seconds will be cursed by sadako'.
watch the rest of the movie here
some people argued that the movie skipped a lot of parts which were in the original anime. to be fair. it hard to condense everything in an hour + movie. but based on this comment, it seems that the movie did try to stay true to the anime.
the movie is good. however i do think that they need to make kimi ni todoke: part 2. nice ending, but some how it feels like something was missing.
ps: to all miura haruma/haruma miura(?) fans, do watch this movie.
pps: i really do wonder, does a man like kazehaya really exist?
credits: viikii
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